Notable projects, excluding professional experience.
- Momentime - An iOS app for productivity and time tracking. Started as a project to learn SwiftUI.
- - A simple website to list projects and contact info.
Minor projects.
- Dotfiles (source) - My personal dotfiles.
- - A tiny website answering a very important question.
Non-exhaustive list of archived projects.
- WotE - The Warcraft 3 mod that sparked my interest in software and technology.
- Booklist - Jekyll-based static website for presenting your personal book list.
- Tank Game - A 2D local multiplayer game written in Python. Inspired by a minigame from the original Wii Play.
- Rampart (remake) - A remake of the classic Rampart game. Built in highschool with Flash and ActionScript.
- Snake (remake) - A remake of the classic Snake game, built with Flash and ActionScript.
- Bowser Game - A simple arcade-style game made in Visual Basic, created for a class project.
- Chess Game - A 2 player chess game written in Q-Basic. My first larger project after WotE.